On March 22, MEFS organized the closing event of the K2S – GenZ project with the title “Volunteers are the soul of the sports events, focusing on Generation Z”. The small scale partnership project was co-financed by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union.

The event was hosted by the Ferenc Hepp Hall of the Hungarian University of Physical Education and Sports Science, in which more than 60 people from 19 universities and 3 sports organizations took part. The event was opened by Péter Juhász, Secretary General of MEFS. In his greeting, he highlighted the importance of getting to know Generation Z in order to be able to effectively involve them in the organization and encourage them to volunteer at sports events.

Éva Antal, the project manager of MEAFC, presented the results of the one-year project based on the experiences of a domestic and an international sports event, focusing on volunteerism. In her evaluation presentation, she drew attention to the main topics and pivotal issues of volunteer management, listing numerous examples and counterexamples. During the presentation, the Guideline document was presented as the main result of the project, which summarizes the questions that contribute to the success of strategic planning, as well as the practical tasks that may arise during implementation in the order of the volunteers’ life path.



Péter Juhász, MEFS Secretary General’s presentation focused on this year’s large-scale events, such as the MEFOB Festival, or the organization of this year’s EFOTT Sportuniversum together with the Hungarian Student Government, EFOTT Kft. and the host University of Pannonia, and the three European Universities Championships in badminton, water polo and 3×3 basketball that will be hosted by Miskolc and Debrecen.


György Kovács, head of competitive sports at MEFS, informed the audience about the perapartions of the European Universities Games 2024, and encouraged the sports professionals to send as many athletes as possible to the event, as well as to support the recruitment of volunteers by informing the students about the possibilities.


Ákos Balogh, the board member responsible for sports at the Hungarian Student Government, gave a presentation with many practical examples and possibilities with which a sports event can be made attractive, or even can be turned into a festival for generation Z students.

The meeting ended with an informal discussion and exchange of experiences with the participation of the audience and the invited speakers, where the promotional video designed during the K2S – GenZ project was also presented.


The „Future Volunteers – Key to success is Generation Z” small-scale cooperation partnership project involved three organisations from two countries – Sports Club of Miskolc University (MEAFC) and Hungarian University Sports Federation (HUSF/MEFS) from Hungary and the EUSA Institute from Slovenia. The project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

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